
Numbers that have appeared in scam emails and are used by the scammers. Only posts about verified numbers are moved to this forum.
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Post by NumberLover »

Tel. No.: +919818403261 & +16472439814
Email: visacanadarecruitment@post.com
Scam Type: Employment Scam
Attention XXX

The enclosed attachment is the copy of your appointment letter Soft Copy from Falcon Oil And Gas Company Canada. Kindly open the appointment letter Soft file read properly Your application details and CV was selected along with other 6 applicants from Asia Region to join our work force in Canada. You are expected to report in our Canada office on the date stated in your appointment letter. For Visa Approval/Processing, you are requested to contact the Canadian Embassy senior officer with the contact details below and comply with his instructions to assist you with visa approval/processing in your Country

Name: Mr Vincent Nathan
Email : visacanadarecruitment@post.com
TELL: +919818403261
Visa Processing Department
Canadian High Commission Office

In accordance the company policy on international applicants, take note of the following.
(a) You are to take initial responsibility for your visa fees and other traveling documents.
(b) The company is responsible for your flight ticket to Canada after your Visa is approved
(c) The Company is to reimburse Visa processing cost to serious applicant that is able to travel to Canada to resume working the Company
(d) The Company will replace any applicant that is unable to show any prove of visa processing and traveling plans within 10 days in other to meet up with the resumption date stated in the appointment letter

Note: If the details of the job offer are acceptable by you, Contact Canadian Embassy senior office Mr Vincent Nathan as instructed above

Mr Gilbert Mayorets.
Tell +16-472-439-814
Human Resource Manager
Please don't confront scammers or tell them their details are on anti-scam sites. It will take them minutes to set up a new identity and existing warnings will be worthless.
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