
Numbers that have appeared in scam emails and are used by the scammers. Only posts about verified numbers are moved to this forum.
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Post by NumberLover »

Tel. No.: +22998288091
Email: westernunio657@gmail.com
Scam Type: Advance Fee Fraud Scam

This scammer responded to an email sent to known scammer email addresses, asking for their phone numbers

From: WESTERN UNION - westernunio657@gmail.com
Ok, thank you but i try to call you now but your number is not going okay,

So i will like you to call me back again with this number is: +229 982
880 91, try the call now if you send the fee so that you will given it
to me for able pick up the payment okay,

Thank you and urgent reply
Please don't confront scammers or tell them their details are on anti-scam sites. It will take them minutes to set up a new identity and existing warnings will be worthless.
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