- Dishing the dirt on phone numbers.

Info on the number +447452351067

Telephone number +447452351067 is a number from United Kingdom. The area code is 74. The number is designated as being used for Mobile telephones.

Number portability may mean that this number is no longer used as a Mobile number, be assigned to a different provider or be being operated from a different location (even overseas in the case of VoIP numbers). If the number is being used to call you then it is also possible that the number is being spoofed and does not actually belong to the person using it.

Here is some general information about the number.

Country Code: 44
Country Name: United Kingdom
Type: Mobile
Validity: The number is the correct length for a UK mobile phone number.

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This number is recorded in our database for the following scams:

11th February 2024 - Advance Fee Fraud Scam

On 11th February 2024, telephone number +447452351067 was reported as being used by scammers to pretend to be Mohamed Aslam using email address as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam.

In Advance Fee Fraud Scams, the scammer will offer you something of high value (a large sum of money or gold for example) and all you have to do is pay a "small" fee. What the scammer is offering you does not actually exist and the scammer will come up with fee after fee that needs to be paid by the victims, until he either runs out of money or realises that he has been scammed. The scammer will often pretend to be real people or companies, use fake websites and introduce various characters, all with the aim of convincing the victim that what is being offered to him is real.

Here is the email that the scammer sent to his victims.

Thank you for the time taken to revert to me. I made this contact in my capacity as the trustee to the investor with the hope of negotiating favorable investment terms while hoping that you will take advantage of the opportunity as currently presented. As I mentioned in my previous email, I have a very wealthy investor who is in need of a reputable and trusted fund manager. Below are highlighted areas for your attention. Note that the funds are currently lodged in a bank vault and will be moved to any bank of your choice upon the completion of the paperwork.

The investor has no special interest in any particular investment choice. The money will be released to you as an investment loan according to the terms of the fund management agreement. During this period, it will be entirely your responsibility to choose where and how you distribute the money to any investment of your choice provided you will not venture into any form of illegal transaction that will expose the money to risk. The investor is not a shrewd business person. He is a pragmatist who likes to deal with facts and figures. The investment portfolio is 200M USD, earmarked for investment after risk analysis and the tenure of the investment is 10 renewable years.

The investment fund will be released to you at a minimum return of 5% on net annual profit.

The investor has political ties in his country and as a result his sensitive political position which is paramount to us makes it imperative that the transaction must be handled with utmost discreteness and an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) must be signed before proceeding. I am available via Whatsapp at the number below and will appreciate it if you can call me for a briefing. Alternatively, you can provide a Whatsapp number where I can reach you.

We will require a summary of your investment plan/executive summary and also your personal profile. After this is received, I will study it and present it to the banker for final approval. An approval is a precursor for a meeting.

A meeting shall be scheduled for all parties to meet physically with the banker under whose care the funds are placed. The meeting among other things will give us the opportunity to see and get acquainted with each other and to sign the Fund Management Agreement. We will also sign all other documents relating to the disbursement of funds. At that point assets/funds shall be made known and transferred to you respectively. Please note that the investor insists on the need for a physical meeting between both parties.

I await your response for follow up.
Mr. Mohamed Aslam
Tel: +447452351067

Further details of this report can be found on the forum

*NOTE* Phone numbers can be regularly re-assigned if the person using them stops paying the bill. This number was included in scammer emails or websites on the dates shown above, but may have since been reassigned. If you have evidence of more recent scam activity using the number, please use the contact page to let us know or post the details in our forum. You can also add brief comments in the comments section below.

This number could also be written in the following formats

447452351067 +447452351067 00447452351067 011447452351067 0011447452351067
010447452351067 44 7452 351067 44-7452-351067 44 (0)7452 351067 44 (0)7452-351067
44 745 235 1067 44 7452 3510 67 44 (0)74 5235 1067 447 452 351 067 44 74 52 35 10 67
447 452 351 067 +44 7452 351067 +44-7452-351067 +44 (0)7452 351067 +44 (0)7452-351067
+44 745 235 1067 +44 7452 3510 67 +44 (0)74 5235 1067 +447 452 351 067 +44 74 52 35 10 67
+447 452 351 067 0044 7452 351067 0044-7452-351067 0044 (0)7452 351067 0044 (0)7452-351067
0044 745 235 1067 0044 7452 3510 67 0044 (0)74 5235 1067 00447 452 351 067 0044 74 52 35 10 67
00447 452 351 067 01144 7452 351067 01144-7452-351067 01144 (0)7452 351067 01144 (0)7452-351067
01144 745 235 1067 01144 7452 3510 67 01144 (0)74 5235 1067 011447 452 351 067 01144 74 52 35 10 67
011447 452 351 067 001144 7452 351067 001144-7452-351067 001144 (0)7452 351067 001144 (0)7452-351067
001144 745 235 1067 001144 7452 3510 67 001144 (0)74 5235 1067 0011447 452 351 067 001144 74 52 35 10 67
0011447 452 351 067 01044 7452 351067 01044-7452-351067 01044 (0)7452 351067 01044 (0)7452-351067
01044 745 235 1067 01044 7452 3510 67 01044 (0)74 5235 1067 010447 452 351 067 01044 74 52 35 10 67
010447 452 351 067 07452 351067 07452-351067 (0)7452 351067 (0)7452-351067