- Dishing the dirt on phone numbers.

Info on the number +447448295126

Telephone number +447448295126 is a number from United Kingdom. The area code is 74. The number is designated as being used for Mobile telephones.

Number portability may mean that this number is no longer used as a Mobile number, be assigned to a different provider or be being operated from a different location (even overseas in the case of VoIP numbers). If the number is being used to call you then it is also possible that the number is being spoofed and does not actually belong to the person using it.

Here is some general information about the number.

Country Code: 44
Country Name: United Kingdom
Type: Mobile
Validity: The number is the correct length for a UK mobile phone number.

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This number is recorded in our database for the following scams:

25th March 2024 - Advance Fee Fraud Scam

On 25th March 2024, telephone number +447448295126 was reported as being used by scammers to pretend to be Gilbert F. Houngbo using email address as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam.

In Advance Fee Fraud Scams, the scammer will offer you something of high value (a large sum of money or gold for example) and all you have to do is pay a "small" fee. What the scammer is offering you does not actually exist and the scammer will come up with fee after fee that needs to be paid by the victims, until he either runs out of money or realises that he has been scammed. The scammer will often pretend to be real people or companies, use fake websites and introduce various characters, all with the aim of convincing the victim that what is being offered to him is real.

Here is the email that the scammer sent to his victims.
Address: No. 3 Whitehall Court,
London, SW1A 2EL, England.
Tel/Fax: +44-744 829 5126,
Fax: +44-744 829 5126.

Attention: XXX,

Ref: Delivery Of Your Consignment Trunk Box With Details:-
Effective Capacity: 920 L: W85 x H346 x D93 (CM) Each.

I am Gilbert F. Houngbo, the newly appointed Financial Auditor/Payment Approval Director to the (United-Nations Organization Directorate Of International Debts Settlement Payment Office London), presently handling issues concerning all yet unpaid debts payments matters, this include your own part-payment valued $8Million Dollars. I am delighted wholeheartedly to inform you that, the Contract/Inheritance Payments Settlement Office in LONDON, has approved all yet unclaimed Lottery Payments/Inheritance Debts owed to several lucky beneficiaries who are to benefit from this year Diplomatic Immunity Cash Payments Disbursement backed with immunity clearance, through the financial intervention of the (FBI) and World Bank Authority (WBA).

As it stands now, I will use my office power as the newly appointed Financial Auditor/Payment Approval Director of the (UN), to approve and also send you your part-payment of $8,000,000.00 (Eight Million United States Dollars) to you in '2' consignment sealed boxes. In process of doing this, I will personally use my own money to procure all the needed documents for you, including your Affidavit of Claim from the British Crown Court here in London, with an Irrevocable Clearance Order, that will bestow the legal ownership of the consignments fund to your names as the rightful beneficiary to receive the payment, which will cost me about $27,500.00, before I can get everything done here with my hard earned money, but before I invest my money into this, you must assure me of your readiness to take care of your country (AIRPORT NON-INSPECTION IMPORT CARGO CLEARANCE DUTY FEE), that must be paid to the Airport Authority/Custom Officers in your country airport that will be on duty, upon successful arrival of your sealed consignment boxes where your fund is that I'll registered in your name as the sole BENEFICIARY, while I handle my part here, by paying for the procurement of your $8Million Dollars Proof of Ownership Original Documents, Insurance Fee, Tax Clearance, Delivery Charges Fee, Yellow Tag Permit, and Flight Ticket.

All these will be done as promised, but on the terms/condition that you will give me 10%, which is ($800,000.00) only, out of the $8,000.000.00 Million Dollars you're to receive that is inside the sealed consignment boxes immediately it is delivered to you safely at your home. Upon your willing acceptance to my terms/condition to give me 10% of the funds, I will like you to send me a letter of GUARANTEE, stating you will pay me 10% of the fund and a proof of identification, such as your Int'l Passport Data Page, your Driver's License, Marital Status, DOB, Place of Work, Home Phone/Cell Number, your Delivery Address, Receiving Banking Details, with a brief biography about yourself. As soon as I receive this information from you, it will enable me register the 2 consignment boxes with the Notary office here in London in your name legally and procure your Immunity Clearance Certificate to enable the consignments pass through all customs port of entry checking points without having any issue, till the consignment get to your country airport safely, where you will be asked to pay the token (AIRPORT NON-INSPECTION IMPORT CARGO CLEARANCE DUTY FEE) only, which you should do immediately the DELIVERY AGENT arrive your country, to prevent the Airport Authority and the Custom Agents in your country from opening the boxes.

Note importantly: That the money will be coming on '2' Security Proof Trunk Boxes and the boxes are already sealed with security synthetic nylon seal and padded with machine, so that no one, including the DELIVERY AGENT travelling with your 2 consignment sealed boxes MUST NOT KNOW, that the consignment boxes contain $8,000.000.00 Million Dollars inside the boxes for security reasons, till the boxes gets to you safely. This is why the transaction must be kept a top secret between you and I and must remain strictly confidential without the involvement of any third party, till the DEAL is fully completed as scheduled within 3working days once I hear from you.

You are hereby advised/warned, to immediately stop further communications and transaction dealings you're having with any other offices, person(s) or group of people and ensure you report/direct all communications to me for proper investigation and legal scrutiny from now henceforth, till you receive your payment as scheduled by cash through Diplomatic Payment method with immunity backings. If interested and also ready to play your role as agreed, get back to me as soon as possible, because the consignment boxes will leave LONDON by tomorrow as soon as I hear from you today and ARRIVE your country in 48hrs. So call me ASAP for the final conclusion of this transaction via +447448295126.

Yours Sincerely,

Gilbert F. Houngbo
Tel: +44-7448295126.

Further details of this report can be found on the forum

*NOTE* Phone numbers can be regularly re-assigned if the person using them stops paying the bill. This number was included in scammer emails or websites on the dates shown above, but may have since been reassigned. If you have evidence of more recent scam activity using the number, please use the contact page to let us know or post the details in our forum. You can also add brief comments in the comments section below.

This number could also be written in the following formats

447448295126 +447448295126 00447448295126 011447448295126 0011447448295126
010447448295126 44 7448 295126 44-7448-295126 44 (0)7448 295126 44 (0)7448-295126
44 744 829 5126 44 7448 2951 26 44 (0)74 4829 5126 447 448 295 126 44 74 48 29 51 26
447 448 295 126 +44 7448 295126 +44-7448-295126 +44 (0)7448 295126 +44 (0)7448-295126
+44 744 829 5126 +44 7448 2951 26 +44 (0)74 4829 5126 +447 448 295 126 +44 74 48 29 51 26
+447 448 295 126 0044 7448 295126 0044-7448-295126 0044 (0)7448 295126 0044 (0)7448-295126
0044 744 829 5126 0044 7448 2951 26 0044 (0)74 4829 5126 00447 448 295 126 0044 74 48 29 51 26
00447 448 295 126 01144 7448 295126 01144-7448-295126 01144 (0)7448 295126 01144 (0)7448-295126
01144 744 829 5126 01144 7448 2951 26 01144 (0)74 4829 5126 011447 448 295 126 01144 74 48 29 51 26
011447 448 295 126 001144 7448 295126 001144-7448-295126 001144 (0)7448 295126 001144 (0)7448-295126
001144 744 829 5126 001144 7448 2951 26 001144 (0)74 4829 5126 0011447 448 295 126 001144 74 48 29 51 26
0011447 448 295 126 01044 7448 295126 01044-7448-295126 01044 (0)7448 295126 01044 (0)7448-295126
01044 744 829 5126 01044 7448 2951 26 01044 (0)74 4829 5126 010447 448 295 126 01044 74 48 29 51 26
010447 448 295 126 07448 295126 07448-295126 (0)7448 295126 (0)7448-295126