Info on the number +2348179675215
Number portability may mean that this number is no longer used as a Mobile number, be assigned to a different provider or be being operated from a different location (even overseas in the case of VoIP numbers). If the number is being used to call you then it is also possible that the number is being spoofed and does not actually belong to the person using it.
Here is some general information about the number.
Country Code: 234
Country Name: Nigeria
Type: Mobile
Original Provider: Etisalat Nigeria
Validity: The number is the correct length for a Nigerian mobile phone number.
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This number is recorded in our database for the following scams:
19th September 2023 - Advance Fee Fraud Scam
On 19th September 2023, telephone number +2348179675215 was reported as being used by scammers to pretend to be Dr Jack Eze using email address as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam.
Here is the email that the scammer sent to his victims.
Plot 13/14 Ademola Crescent,
Victoria Island,
Lagos State,tem
Telephone: +234 81796 75215
The Central Bank Of Nigeria (CBN), on this day 18 September, 2023 received a parcel from the Federal Executive Council (FEC) of Nigeria to process and execute an automatic payout in your favor.
Reference to the information we received, you will be paid the sum of NG# 1,575,000,000.00 (One Billion Five Hundred & Seventy Five Million Naira) which is equivalent to US$9,000,000.00 in your favor, at any nominated bank account.
We will be sending two attachment documents of proof and transfer authorization. You are required to furnish us with the following information:
Your direct Telephone/ Fax numbers.
Your accurate mailing address.
Copy of your ID.
And Bank Account details.
Be informed that you will be paid within 3 working days of this notification provided you comply with the banking rules and regulations. The document will be disbursed and payment transferred in your favor.
Yours Faithfully,
International Remittance Department
Central Bank Of Nigeria (CBN)
©20223 Central Bank Of Nigeria (CBN) All rights reserved
Further details of this report can be found on the forum
*NOTE* Phone numbers can be regularly re-assigned if the person using them stops paying the bill. This number was included in scammer emails or websites on the dates shown above, but may have since been reassigned. If you have evidence of more recent scam activity using the number, please use the contact page to let us know or post the details in our forum. You can also add brief comments in the comments section below.
This number could also be written in the following formats
2348179675215 | +2348179675215 | 002348179675215 | 0112348179675215 | 00112348179675215 |
0102348179675215 | 234 817 967 5215 | 234 8179675215 | 234-8179675215 | 234-817-9675-215 |
234-817-967-5215 | 234-81-79675215 | +234 817 967 5215 | +234 8179675215 | +234-8179675215 |
+234-817-9675-215 | +234-817-967-5215 | +234-81-79675215 | 00234 817 967 5215 | 00234 8179675215 |
00234-8179675215 | 00234-817-9675-215 | 00234-817-967-5215 | 00234-81-79675215 | 011234 817 967 5215 |
011234 8179675215 | 011234-8179675215 | 011234-817-9675-215 | 011234-817-967-5215 | 011234-81-79675215 |
0011234 817 967 5215 | 0011234 8179675215 | 0011234-8179675215 | 0011234-817-9675-215 | 0011234-817-967-5215 |
0011234-81-79675215 | 010234 817 967 5215 | 010234 8179675215 | 010234-8179675215 | 010234-817-9675-215 |
010234-817-967-5215 | 010234-81-79675215 | (+234) 8179-675215 |