Info on the number +2347042139006
Number portability may mean that this number is no longer used as a Mobile number, be assigned to a different provider or be being operated from a different location (even overseas in the case of VoIP numbers). If the number is being used to call you then it is also possible that the number is being spoofed and does not actually belong to the person using it.
Here is some general information about the number.
Country Code: 234
Country Name: Nigeria
Type: Mobile
Original Provider: Visafone
Validity: The number is the correct length for a Nigerian mobile phone number.
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This number is recorded in our database for the following scams:
14th January 2025 - Advance Fee Fraud Scam
On 14th January 2025, telephone number +2347042139006 was reported as being used by scammers to pretend to be Allen Parker using email address as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam.
Here is the email that the scammer sent to his victims.
Address: Carré 784 P Bd du Canada B.P. 06-2650 Cotonou Bénin Republic,
We write to notify you that we have inter-vain in your case due your total sum of $10,5000,000 Inheritance fund owning you in Africa. We are here to represent and protect the legal interest of every American and any other Country like UK and Asia that is involved in such businesses of every Foreigner and especially to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member Country Citizens domiciled here.
We write to inform you of the breaking news about your Inheritance fund of $10.5million US Dollars which you have been expecting sending money for so longer, without a good result up to date, even many of them contacted you in form of Western Union Department or MoneyGram stated your fund was with them, from the financial regulatory bodies of this Country, from their report I gathered that your Inheritance fund which was scheduled to have been remitted to your destination point by some corrupt officials with intention of on asking you to pay endless money. However, I went to International Criminal Organization here for investigation, and in their bid to launch a full scale investigation into the saga, they found out that the reason why you were swindled in the past and still not been able to receive your expected fund till date was because you were dealing with the wrong people being impostors that were impersonating.
Furthermore, it was resolved that you shall be receiving $10,500,000. We have summoned the amalgamated union governing all the official office stores in this Country and their MD referred your fund to step aside so that we will handle your payment total sum of $10,500,000 by ourselves. So it is better for you to stop communicating with any other office here because if you did it is at your own risk. Though the Claim Fund Origin certificate charges that you were supposed to pay was initially on the high price but has been cut down to $100 as part of our corporate social responsibility to considering the poor economic situations that make it difficult for the middle class citizens to meet up with the Claim Fund Origin of their entitlement.
Note that the $100 is the only money that you shall pay before they shall start programming the payment details that shall enable you to have access to your $10,500,000.00. Note that the $100 is compulsory for you to pay as it was agreed that you have to pay the $100 which will serve as re-confirmation to your original file; Meanwhile you are advising you to reconfirm the below information to us to avoid mistaking.
1. Your Full Name:......
2. Your Direct Cell No:......
3. Your Home Address:....
4. Your State & City:......
5. Your ID:...............
Note that you are expected to pay only $100 for re-confirmation of your file and you are to pay it through Western Union or MoneyGram here in Bénin Republic as the origin of the Fund. Send the $100 through with the information below for reconfirmation of your file that will enhance the release of your Fund.
Here's the Western Union or MoneyGram details; or you can send through gift cards such as Steam Wallet cards or Apple cards.
Receivers Name:=== LORA EJOOH
County:= Benin Republic
City:===== Cotonou
Address: 9C28+5X3, Boulevard de la Marina, Cotonou, Benin Republic.
Sender's Name==
Once you send the money, try to notify us with the MTCN for easy pick up and for immediate action on the release of your $10,500,000 and your subsequent payments. Note that any unclaimed funds will be returned to the Government Treasury Department on 10th January 2025. So you are urgently advised to comply with our directives so that you shall receive your funds without stress again.
WhatsApp Number +2347042139006
Mr. Allen Parker
National secretary to the president of Benin Republic.
Further details of this report can be found on the forum
8th January 2025 - Advance Fee Fraud Scam
On 8th January 2025, telephone number +2347042139006 was reported as being used by scammers to pretend to be Allen Parker using email address as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam.
Here is the email that the scammer sent to his victims.
Address: Carré 784 P Bd du Canada B.P. 06-2650 Cotonou Bénin Republic,
We write to notify you that we have inter-vain in your case due your total sum of $10,5000,000 Inheritance fund owning you in Africa. We are here to represent and protect the legal interest of every American and any other Country like UK and Asia that is involved in such businesses of every Foreigner and especially to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member Country Citizens domiciled here.
We write to inform you of the breaking news about your Inheritance fund of $10.5million US Dollars which you have been expecting sending money for so longer, without a good result up to date, even many of them contacted you in form of Western Union Department or MoneyGram stated your fund was with them, from the financial regulatory bodies of this Country, from their report I gathered that your Inheritance fund which was scheduled to have been remitted to your destination point by some corrupt officials with intention of on asking you to pay endless money. However, I went to International Criminal Organization here for investigation, and in their bid to launch a full scale investigation into the saga, they found out that the reason why you were swindled in the past and still not been able to receive your expected fund till date was because you were dealing with the wrong people being impostors that were impersonating.
Furthermore, it was resolved that you shall be receiving $10,500,000. We have summoned the amalgamated union governing all the official office stores in this Country and their MD referred your fund to step aside so that we will handle your payment total sum of $10,500,000 by ourselves. So it is better for you to stop communicating with any other office here because if you did it is at your own risk. Though the Claim Fund Origin certificate charges that you were supposed to pay was initially on the high price but has been cut down to $100 as part of our corporate social responsibility to considering the poor economic situations that make it difficult for the middle class citizens to meet up with the Claim Fund Origin of their entitlement.
Note that the $100 is the only money that you shall pay before they shall start programming the payment details that shall enable you to have access to your $10,500,000.00. Note that the $100 is compulsory for you to pay as it was agreed that you have to pay the $100 which will serve as re-confirmation to your original file; Meanwhile you are advising you to reconfirm the below information to us to avoid mistaking.
1. Your Full Name:......
2. Your Direct Cell No:......
3. Your Home Address:....
4. Your State & City:......
5. Your ID:...............
Note that you are expected to pay only $100 for re-confirmation of your file and you are to pay it through Western Union or MoneyGram here in Bénin Republic as the origin of the Fund. Send the $100 through with the information below for reconfirmation of your file that will enhance the release of your Fund.
Here's the Western Union or MoneyGram details; or you can send through gift cards such as Steam Wallet cards or Apple cards.
Receivers Name:=== LORA EJOOH
County:= Benin Republic
City:===== Cotonou
Address: 9C28+5X3, Boulevard de la Marina, Cotonou, Benin Republic.
Sender's Name==
Once you send the money, try to notify us with the MTCN for easy pick up and for immediate action on the release of your $10,500,000 and your subsequent payments. Note that any unclaimed funds will be returned to the Government Treasury Department on 10th January 2025. So you are urgently advised to comply with our directives so that you shall receive your funds without stress again.
WhatsApp Number +2347042139006
Mr. Allen Parker
National secretary to the president of Benin Republic.
Further details of this report can be found on the forum
*NOTE* Phone numbers can be regularly re-assigned if the person using them stops paying the bill. This number was included in scammer emails or websites on the dates shown above, but may have since been reassigned. If you have evidence of more recent scam activity using the number, please use the contact page to let us know or post the details in our forum. You can also add brief comments in the comments section below.
This number could also be written in the following formats
2347042139006 | +2347042139006 | 002347042139006 | 0112347042139006 | 00112347042139006 |
0102347042139006 | 234 704 213 9006 | 234 7042139006 | 234-7042139006 | 234-704-2139-006 |
234-704-213-9006 | 234-70-42139006 | +234 704 213 9006 | +234 7042139006 | +234-7042139006 |
+234-704-2139-006 | +234-704-213-9006 | +234-70-42139006 | 00234 704 213 9006 | 00234 7042139006 |
00234-7042139006 | 00234-704-2139-006 | 00234-704-213-9006 | 00234-70-42139006 | 011234 704 213 9006 |
011234 7042139006 | 011234-7042139006 | 011234-704-2139-006 | 011234-704-213-9006 | 011234-70-42139006 |
0011234 704 213 9006 | 0011234 7042139006 | 0011234-7042139006 | 0011234-704-2139-006 | 0011234-704-213-9006 |
0011234-70-42139006 | 010234 704 213 9006 | 010234 7042139006 | 010234-7042139006 | 010234-704-2139-006 |
010234-704-213-9006 | 010234-70-42139006 | (+234) 7042-139006 |