
Numbers that have appeared in scam emails and are used by the scammers. Only posts about verified numbers are moved to this forum.
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Post by NumberLover »

Tel. No.: +79096218519
Email: perovdmitry26@gmail.com
Scam Type: Other Scams

From LinkedIn:
Oil and Gas seller Rep.

1. SELLER provides Draft Contract (SPA) to BUYER for approval and execution by signature, and initials at the bottom of each page and to all proposed amendments.
2. After SELLER’s acceptance or rejection of amendments (if any), BUYER and SELLER exchange the signed contract via electronic mail, which shall be deemed legally binding and enforceable. The SELLER and BUYER will each register the executed contract with their respective bank/s after signing.
3. Any applicable Commission Agreement shall be approved and agreed upon by BUYER and
Commission Agent, intermediaries.
4. BUYER will Lodge Contract and Commission agreements with Escrow Agent.
5. SELLER issues commercial invoice of Initial Trial amount or weekly amount based on delivery
6. BUYER signs and returns commercial invoice to SELLER.
7. The SELLER issues complete PPOP documents to the BUYER´s and Escrow email:
a. TSR release and location of SELLER Tanks with complete address, contact information
and GPS location of tanks.
b. Dip Test Authorization Letter (UDTA)
c. Authorization to verify the product in the SELLER´s Tank (ATV), (PHYSICAL ATV)
d. Product Passport
e. Injection report for the product in the current Seller Tanks
f. Letter of commitment from Refinery
g. Import documentation
h. Vessel Q88 on how product arrived in HOU.
i. Letter of product origin.
j. Original Bill of Lading
k. All pertinent supporting documents relative to this product.
8. SELLER will ensure that the Tank farm will allow Dip Test to be performed while under the SELLERs tank agreement. BUYER inspects by laboratory at the BUYER´s expenses and Upon completion of
the Dip test, the Buyer shall send to the Seller and the Escrow agent a confirmation receipt of
successful Dip Test report. Once the Dip test analysis has been completed by the laboratory a copy of the analysis shall be sent to the Escrow agent.
9. Upon successful Dip Test and acceptable verification, The BUYER shall make the deposit of funds to Escrow. Within 24 hours after verification as stipulated in section 9, step 8 of this agreement, the Escrow Agent shall confirm and Notify the SELLER that Buyer has deposited sufficient funds into escrow and the funds have been allocated to the transaction.
10. Buyer will notify Seller in writing that they have accepted the Dip Test Analysis report produced in section 9, step 8 of this agreement and all the Product PPOP docs provided in section 9, step 7 of this agreement. Notice shall acknowledge the Buyer is in acceptance of the product and is
prepared to close the transaction. Executed notices shall be lodged with the Escrow agent.
11. The BUYER shall execute the Tank Farm extension with existing SELLER Tank Farm and lodge into Escrow.

12. SELLER shall issue Title of Ownership (Bill of Sale) for Product shipment and lodge Directly into Escrow.
Contact us for more
Skype: live:.cid.1c3df54d7dfc1594

Mail: perovdmitry26@gmail.com

Tell: +79096218519
Please don't confront scammers or tell them their details are on anti-scam sites. It will take them minutes to set up a new identity and existing warnings will be worthless.
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