Tel. Nos.: +393456043861 & +3905831538106
Scam Type: Phishing or Malware
Dear: Sir/ Madam,
We are trading dealer based in Italy and supplying to various industries all over Spain.
We are interested in purchasing the attached order items from you.
In this regard we would like to understand your capacity and current price quoted to supply this grade on a monthly basis. At this point we are looking to purchase in good quantities and would like to know your trade terms and conditions .
Please kindly check and let us know if you can supply the attached samples or there is a contact person at your end with whom we can discuss further.
Stefano sambucci
Purchase Dept .
Mobile +39 345 6043861
Phone +39 0583 1538106
Skype: Stefano.sambucci
Web Site: www.transpacific .com