
Numbers that have appeared in scam emails and are used by the scammers. Only posts about verified numbers are moved to this forum.
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Post by NumberLover »

From: noreply@easy-my.info
Reply-to: noreply@easy-my.info
Tel. No.: +13479183538
Scam Type: Spammer
EasyMyInfo zapewnia pokrycie 36 krajów i dostarcza naj?wie?sze informacje dla ponad 197 milionów u?ytkowników na systemach :

Google Maps, Foursquare, Layar, Garmin, iGO, TomTom na 94 dalszych platformach oraz na iOS, Android , Windows Phone.

Dane firmy, zdj?cia, oferty wystarczy doda? tylko raz do centralnej bazy, po czym w ci?gu 5 minut altualizacja nast?pi a? na 100 platformach.

Termin nadsy?ania zg?osze? do Polskiej Edycji:

Op?ata miesi?czna:

29 z?/ miesi?c

Us?uga mo?e zosta? odwo?ana w ka?dym czasie bez podawania przyczyny.

Polskie rejestracje s? dost?pne dla krajowych i zagranicznych u?ytkowników przebywaj?cym w Polsce.

[ szczegó?y tutaj ]

EasyMyInfo to oficjalny dostawca danych dlatego zastrzega sobie prawo do sprawdzenia tre?ci oraz usuni?cia wszelkich wiadomo?ci i informacji, które uzna za obra?liwe lub dwuznaczne. Do rejestracji konieczne jest podanie geograficznego (fizycznego) adresu dzia?alno?ci ( np. siedziba firmy, biuro, sklep itp.) Op?ata miesi?czna - obejmuje geokodowanie podanych adresów bez naliczania dodatkowych kosztów zwi?zane za u?ytkowanie systemów.
Sent to:

Sender info:
EMI Local Services - 80 Broad Street, Manhattan, New York, 10004 U.S.A.
Customer support: +1 (347) 918 3538
All rights reserved - Copyright 2008-2015 EMI LS #856633452

Google translation
EasyMyInfo provides coverage 36 countries and provides the most fresh-mentioned information for more than 197 million of the users on the following systems:

Google Maps, Foursquare, Layar, Garmin, iGO, TomTom for 94 additional platforms as well as iOS, Android, Windows Phone.

Company data, pictures, offer just add? only once to the central database, then on over the five minutes altualizacja seq sleeps up 100 platforms.

Deadline for sending in doe zg noticeboard? the Polish edition:

Charge monthly:

29 of? / Month of

Us A long can that has been appeal ana in every time without giving any reason.

Polish registrations are? Also available for domestic and foreign of the users staying embracing in Poland.

[Details here]

EasyMyInfo is the official supplier of data therefore reserves the right to check your content and removed closing any news and information it deems offensive or ambiguous. To register need to provide geographical (physical) address business you (eg. Headquarters, office, shop, etc.) Charge monthly - includes geocoding of addresses given without charging additional costs tied to a usable systems .
Sent include:
[Censored] @ gmail.com

Sender info:
EMI Local Services - 80 Broad Street, Manhattan, New York, 10004 USA
Customer support: +1 (347) 918 3538
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2008-2015 EMI LS # 856633452

Please don't confront scammers or tell them their details are on anti-scam sites. It will take them minutes to set up a new identity and existing warnings will be worthless.
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