This is to acknowledge the receipt of the order from the Federal Ministry Of Finance, in respect with the provision act of decree 114 of the 1999 constitution; I am directed to inform you that your payment verification and confirmations is correct. Therefore, we are happy to inform you that arrangements have been concluded to effect your payment as soon as possible and in our bid to transparency. It is my pleasure to inform you that ATM Card Number; 5000 0049 0204 0003 have been approved in your favor. Your Personal Identification Number is 1960. The ATM Card Value is $1.4Million USD Only. You are advised that a maximum withdrawal value of $10,000.00 USD is permitted on withdrawal per Day and we are duly Inter Switch and you can make withdrawal in any Inter Switch location and ATM Center of your choice.
As stated in Mr. James B. Comey's Email to you the delivery charges is only $65.00 As soon as payment is confirmed we shall immediately dispatch your package and email you with the DHL tracking numbers so as for you to be able to track your package online and know when to be at your home to receive it. Please be informed that the ATM card and the pin would be enclosed in the envelope and you can make withdrawals from the moment you receive the package.
Here is what he may require from you.
Your Receiver Name.........................
Private Telephone number; ....................
Occupation, Age and sex.............................
PERMANENT ADDRESS:-...................................
A copy of your identification............................
You will have to make the payment of $65.00 available to this office using Western union money transfer with the name of our Accountant secretary's information's as stated below.
Receiver's Name: FRED OGENE
Address: 3 Mgr Isidore de Souza 41 Blvd Du Mongo Benin Republic
Country:.......Benin Republic
Test Question:....Favorite colour
Amount: $65.00
Sender Name -------------------
As soon as payment is made do send an email with the 10-Digit MTCN numbers so that we can proceed with dispatching of your package without wasting time. Be rest assured that your $65.00 is the only payment you will have to make for the delivery of the ATM card and nothing more.
Looking forward to hearing from you about this Good News opportunity to receiving your package.
Kindest Regards,
Thanks as we wait to hear from you.
Mrs. Morrison James.
secret pin code (8389 ATM CARD).
Tell phone number +22966374796