Tel. Nos.: +35946860180 & +35956916948952
Scam Type: Phishing or Malware
Dear Customer,
Sorry for never purchase this order from your company last year, after we received your invoice we could not meetup for payment,now we have made the payment today to your bank account.Enclosed is the swift confirmation bank copy 30% deposit as we agreed in your invoice,please immediately you retrieve the money please let me know so that i will give you more direction about the production.
Please check TT Copy and confirm if the TT was sent to the Account you gave me, Because we got two different account,
Waiting for your confirmation.
Best Regards
Hellen ramson
Purchase Department Manager.
Telefon Purchase Department 00359-46-860180
Telefax Purchase Department 00359-56-916948952
EU VAT Identnumber BG201786961
Company Registration Number 201786961
Postal address:G. S. Rakov