
Numbers that have appeared in scam emails and are used by the scammers. Only posts about verified numbers are moved to this forum.
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Post by NumberLover »

Name: Golden Pet Shippers
Email: info@goldenpetshippers.com
Domain: goldenpetshippers.com
Tel. No.: +15153290218
Scam Type: Fake Website

Website reported as fraudulent in the Artists Against 419 database.
Please don't confront scammers or tell them their details are on anti-scam sites. It will take them minutes to set up a new identity and existing warnings will be worthless.
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Re: +15153290218

Post by ScamNumbers »

Emails: brendaponce167@gmail.com & info@goldenpetshippers.com
Tel. Nos.: +13025432052 & +15153290218
Type of Scam: Pet Scam

Comment posted on the main website by a victim
These people are just shameless!!!!!!!!!!!

I contacted a person that posted an add in dogsnow.com - here its the link to the add http://www.dogsnow.com/dog-ad-...
A person contacted me , and told me a sad story about how the puppy belonged to her daughter who passed away and how the puppy brings sad memories to this person, the add said the puppy is at Houston, but the person who contacted me said it was in ATL, this person said her name was Ms. Brenda ( email address: brendaponce167@gmail.com - phone number 302-543-2052, and she said I'll get the puppy for $500 usd, I made a payment via Moneygram to a person called FRANKLIN EYONG at Atlanta, Georgia, and the day the puppy is supposed to get to my house, (2 hourse before) the "animal currier company"
( email info@goldenpetshippers.com - Phone number (515) 329-0218) sends me an email saying that I need to pay a "refundable" insurance of $2000 usd, I realized this is scam, as I looked on the internet when I felt something was wrong, as the so called Brenda Person, contacted me saying, that If I did not had the $2000 she could cover a part for me, that how much could I pay?.
Please be careful with this scammers, don't fell for their lies!!!!!!!
You can contact me at admin @ scamnumbers . info
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