
Numbers that have appeared in scam emails and are used by the scammers. Only posts about verified numbers are moved to this forum.
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Post by worried »

Hi, can anyone tell me anything about this website vehicle-sorn.com that does SORN registration for vehicles?

These are their contact details are

For Enquiries:
please send us an email to: apply@vehicle-sorn.com

Tel :
0845 8620376

Registered Address:
Online Processing Solutions
Office/Suite/Unit 34
New House
67-68 Hatton Garden
London EC1N 8JY
United Kingdom
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Re: +448458620376

Post by NumberLover »

Hi worried,

vehicle-sorn.com is a copycat website designed to catch out people looking for Government services and then charging them a fee for doing something that they could do themselves. There have been similar sites set up in the past to catch out people looking to renew passports and do their tax returns.

You can find the offical Government site to SORN your car on the gov.uk website, here https://www.gov.uk/make-a-sorn

Looking at the site itself, the phone number 0845 8620376 is an 0845 non-Geographic number and will cost you 5p per minute to call. They can be registered online and forwarded to other phone numbers, so the actual endpoint could be anywhere.

The domain was registered on 19.03.2015 for a year, and hides the registrant's details using a privacy protection service - something that a legitimate business would have no need to do.

The address on the website is a mail forwarding service, not the acual office of whoever runs the site.

The site claims to be run by "Online Vehicle Services", there is no specific indication if this are a limited company or just a trading style, but they do refer to having a "Registered Office" on the contact page. There is no currently registered company of that name on the Companies House website (a previous company Online Vehicle Services Ltd was disolved in 2014. If the name is just a trading style then they should disclose who it is that is trading using the name.

All in all, probably best to save your £25 and go direct to the real site.
Please don't confront scammers or tell them their details are on anti-scam sites. It will take them minutes to set up a new identity and existing warnings will be worthless.
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