- Dishing the dirt on phone numbers. is a database of phone numbers worldwide that have been proven to be used by Internet scammers. For each number, we will tell you where in the world it is from, along with additional details (dependent on country) such as the type of number, city/country. We will also detail the scam(s) that the number is being used for, with links to other anti-scam websites.

There are currently 103835 phone numbers and 108851 different scammers listed in the database. is a work in progress and the level of information on numbers for some countries at the moment is very basic. Check out our progress page for details of features that have been implemented.

Our forum is now open for you to post details of phone numbers or ask our team about numbers and each individual telephone number page now has a comments section.

To search for a number in our database, enter the full number, including the country code, but without any leading zeros, dashes, brackets or spaces etc., in the search box below.