- Dishing the dirt on phone numbers.

Info on the number +447480039603

Telephone number +447480039603 is a number from United Kingdom. The area code is 74. The number is designated as being used for Mobile telephones.

Number portability may mean that this number is no longer used as a Mobile number, be assigned to a different provider or be being operated from a different location (even overseas in the case of VoIP numbers). If the number is being used to call you then it is also possible that the number is being spoofed and does not actually belong to the person using it.

Here is some general information about the number.

Country Code: 44
Country Name: United Kingdom
Type: Mobile
Validity: The number is the correct length for a UK mobile phone number.

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This number is recorded in our database for the following scams:

25th June 2018 - Employment Scam

On 25th June 2018, telephone number +447480039603 was reported as being used by scammers to pretend to be Robert C Harold working for Construction Cyber. using email address and fake website as part of an Employment Scam.

Here is the email that the scammer sent to his victims.
We are happy to inform you that you have been selected for the position of (Senior Site Supervisor) Construction Cyber.

You were selected for the position based on your previous work experience and your impressive educational accomplishments. We are thrilled to offer you this position in our Team. We are confident you will thrive professionally and personally while working for our Company.

You are scheduled to begin work on (15th of July 2018), your will spend the morning of your first day in Orientation classes at our Orientation Head Office building, located at Construction Cyber United Kingdom, Please arrive at 8:00 am, When you arrive, please check in at the reception desk and you will be given directions on where to go. Following lunch, a Team Member will escort you to your new work area and introduce you to your new co-workers.

You shall be briefed about our dress code. I have contacted the United Kingdom Immigration office here in United Kingdom and have submitted all Documents needed for the processing of your Working Visa and copies of the same Documents have also been faxed to the United Kingdom Immigration service in (Asia) India.

It was clearly stated to us that the screening process for getting United Kingdom Working Visa at the moment is very hard for the fact that many would not want to go back when their Visa or Work Permit get expired, as such much Documents will be needed from you as prove that you will return back on due time, and the process will take over 3 weeks for the Working Visa to be ready.

Because of the Express Travelling Approval of your Working Visa and considering the Documents that may be required from you to be presented by the United Kingdom Embassy and the nature of interview that you might face, the time of Visa delay, which might not be all that favourable to you, thereby resulting to refusal of the Visa to you, We therefore requested the United Kingdom Embassy Officials to process your Visa under the Non-Appearance Category in other for it.

With the help of our Company's Lawyer, I was able to make contact with the United Kingdom Embassy senior representative in (Asia) India (Mrs) Louise Elizabeth Asquith) and have concluded all arrangements with him to assist you for fast approval of your working Visa without much delay and long Visa protocol.

You are to contact her via email as soon as possible with the following Documents.

Your signed Appointment/Invitation letter
Mobile number,
I.D Proof

Note: Your job description shall be made known to you after the Training period of 6 months and all the Necessary Visa Checklist Documents have been forwarded to the United Kingdom Embassy Mumbai by Construction Cyber.

Below are the details of Embassy of United Kingdom;
Contact Person: (Hon) Mrs.Louise Elizabeth Asquith
Embassy Email:
Number: +919867412504
Office hours: 0900-1700 hrs,

Contact her immediately, because I would want you to resume work on or before (18th of June 2018), always keep us posted with every information and level you attain on your visa process.

We Wish you the best of luck, always feel free to contact us.

Robert C Harold
TEL: +447480039603

Further details of this report can be found on our forum

*NOTE* Phone numbers can be regularly re-assigned if the person using them stops paying the bill. This number was included in scammer emails or websites on the dates shown above, but may have since been reassigned. If you have evidence of more recent scam activity using the number, please use the contact page to let us know or post the details in our forum. You can also add brief comments in the comments section below.

This number could also be written in the following formats

447480039603 +447480039603 00447480039603 011447480039603 0011447480039603
010447480039603 44 7480 039603 44-7480-039603 44 (0)7480 039603 44 (0)7480-039603
44 748 003 9603 44 7480 0396 03 44 (0)74 8003 9603 447 480 039 603 44 74 80 03 96 03
447 480 039 603 +44 7480 039603 +44-7480-039603 +44 (0)7480 039603 +44 (0)7480-039603
+44 748 003 9603 +44 7480 0396 03 +44 (0)74 8003 9603 +447 480 039 603 +44 74 80 03 96 03
+447 480 039 603 0044 7480 039603 0044-7480-039603 0044 (0)7480 039603 0044 (0)7480-039603
0044 748 003 9603 0044 7480 0396 03 0044 (0)74 8003 9603 00447 480 039 603 0044 74 80 03 96 03
00447 480 039 603 01144 7480 039603 01144-7480-039603 01144 (0)7480 039603 01144 (0)7480-039603
01144 748 003 9603 01144 7480 0396 03 01144 (0)74 8003 9603 011447 480 039 603 01144 74 80 03 96 03
011447 480 039 603 001144 7480 039603 001144-7480-039603 001144 (0)7480 039603 001144 (0)7480-039603
001144 748 003 9603 001144 7480 0396 03 001144 (0)74 8003 9603 0011447 480 039 603 001144 74 80 03 96 03
0011447 480 039 603 01044 7480 039603 01044-7480-039603 01044 (0)7480 039603 01044 (0)7480-039603
01044 748 003 9603 01044 7480 0396 03 01044 (0)74 8003 9603 010447 480 039 603 01044 74 80 03 96 03
010447 480 039 603 07480 039603 07480-039603 (0)7480 039603 (0)7480-039603