- Dishing the dirt on phone numbers.

Info on the number +13236894146

Telephone Number +13236894146 is a NANP Number and is in Area Code 323, Exchange Code 689 in California (CA), USA. The number was originally operated by the provider CLEC, LLC - CA.

Number portability may mean that this number is no longer used as a number, be assigned to a different provider or be being operated from a different location (even overseas in the case of VoIP numbers). If the number is being used to call you then it is also possible that the number is being spoofed and does not actually belong to the person using it.

Here is some general information about the number.

Country Code: 1
Country Name: USA
Area Name: California (CA) (323)
Original Provider: CLEC, LLC - CA
Validity: The number is the correct length for a North American number.

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This number is recorded in our database for the following scams:

1st June 2018 - Advance Fee Fraud Scam

On 1st June 2018, telephone number +13236894146 was reported as being used by scammers to pretend to be Brian Molefe using email address as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam.

In Advance Fee Fraud Scams, the scammer will offer you something of high value (a large sum of money or gold for example) and all you have to do is pay a "small" fee. What the scammer is offering you does not actually exist and the scammer will come up with fee after fee that needs to be paid by the victims, until he either runs out of money or realises that he has been scammed. The scammer will often pretend to be real people or companies, use fake websites and introduce various characters, all with the aim of convincing the victim that what is being offered to him is real.

Here is the email that the scammer sent to his victims.
Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MFCP)
28th February Road, Accra, Ghana
Ref: FMF/SGH/231/18

Dear Consignment Owner,

Payment File No: A.
24Hrs Service

This is to inform you that your courier service deliveryman has arrived with your consignment box value $10million dollars in Los Angeles International Airport, California United States, as their transit.

With all due respect, you really have to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you and telling you that your fund is with them, it is not in anyway with them, they are only taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing and be assured that you will receive your consignment box within 24hrs as soon you comply with the courier service deliveryman

I known that you will receive this massage as surprise, but this is to clearly inform you that the courier service man by name MR. BRIAN MOLEFE which we send to deliver your inheritance fund $10million loaded in a Metal Trunk Box weighing approximately 110kg has successfully arrived your country and he is at the Los Angeles International Airport, California United States, he need your attention to direct him to the nearest airport to your door step.

therefore you are advise to contact him right now to enable him leave the airport as fast as he can to avoid the box not to be tampered knowing that the papers covering the box is said to be carrying hospital equipment's as he was equally told too. The Consignments like I said are metal trunk box weighing about 110kg (Internal dimension: W61 x H156 x D73 (cm) effective Capacity: 680 L) Approximately, FYI: send him text massage to his phone number below in case he dose not have access to check his email at airport okay.



Please E-mail Him at :
Please call and make sure you SMS him with your home address at: +1 (323) 689-4146


1. THE REGISTRATION NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GIL/GH/XXX61/0X
2. THE BATCH NUMBER OF THE BOX. . . . . . . . . . GIL/GH/XXX54/0X
3. SECURITY CODE NUMBER. . . . . . . . . . . . . .SFSS/GH942054/02
4. SERIAL NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0043687/EB.

This Official Letter is being issued to you by "The Federal Ministry of Finance" in collaboration with The Director, Office of the permanent
Secretary and Presidency.
Copied to:

The Accountant General of The Federation. Director, Office of the permanent secretary Bank of Ghana.The President's office.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Ken Ofori.
Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MFCP) The Federal Ministry Of Finance. The Federal Ministry Of Finance. The
Federal Ministry Of Finance. The Federal Ministry Of Finance

Further details of this report can be found on the forum

*NOTE* Phone numbers can be regularly re-assigned if the person using them stops paying the bill. This number was included in scammer emails or websites on the dates shown above, but may have since been reassigned. If you have evidence of more recent scam activity using the number, please use the contact page to let us know or post the details in our forum. You can also add brief comments in the comments section below.

This number could also be written in the following formats

13236894146 +13236894146 0013236894146 01113236894146 001113236894146
01013236894146 1 (323) 689-4146 1-323-689-4146 1 323 689 4146 1-323-689-4146
1 323-689-4146 +1 (323) 689-4146 +1-323-689-4146 +1 323 689 4146 + 1-323-689-4146
+1 323-689-4146 001 (323) 689-4146 001-323-689-4146 001 323 689 4146 00 1-323-689-4146
001 323-689-4146 0111 (323) 689-4146 0111-323-689-4146 0111 323 689 4146 011 1-323-689-4146
0111 323-689-4146 00111 (323) 689-4146 00111-323-689-4146 00111 323 689 4146 0011 1-323-689-4146
00111 323-689-4146 0101 (323) 689-4146 0101-323-689-4146 0101 323 689 4146 010 1-323-689-4146
0101 323-689-4146 (323) 689-4146 323-689-4146