
Numbers that have appeared in scam emails and are used by the scammers. Only posts about verified numbers are moved to this forum.
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Post by NumberLover »

Tel. No.: +13157561228
Email: wizardassetrecovery@gmx.us
Scam Type: Other Scams
Losing one's cryptocurrency can be a devastating experience, especially considering how challenging it is to recover stolen or lost coins. Victims of cryptocurrency scams often feel helpless and frustrated, as traditional avenues for recourse often yield little results. Many attempt to report the incident to their wallet provider, bank, or law enforcement, while some even resort to legal action with the help of a lawyer, yet the process remains arduous and often futile. It's a stark reminder for everyone to exercise caution when investing in cryptocurrency, as it can lead to both wealth and despair.

Recently, I was in a similar predicament until I was referred to Wizard Asset Recovery. Through their services, I was able to recover all my stolen USDT coins. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend Wizard Asset Recovery as a reliable and trustworthy option for cryptocurrency recovery. You can contact them via email at wizardassetrecovery@gmx.us or on WhatsApp at +1 (315) 756-1228. They are among the best recovery companies globally.
Please don't confront scammers or tell them their details are on anti-scam sites. It will take them minutes to set up a new identity and existing warnings will be worthless.
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