
Numbers that have appeared in scam emails and are used by the scammers. Only posts about verified numbers are moved to this forum.
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Post by NumberLover »

Tel. Nos.: +448445890554 & +917710850720
Emails: construction@alumnidirector.com & british.high_commission1967@gmx.com
Scam Type: Employment Scam
Forth Construction Company UK

Dear XXX

This is an Affirmation that you’re Experiences and Qualifications were found suitably and qualified for the requirements of FORTH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, London United Kingdom. This document attached embodies the approved Terms for the purpose of this contract. We take this opportunity to congratulate you on selection and look forward to a long mutually beneficial association. We trust our relationship will be guided by a quest for excellence in all facets as based on a foundation of mutual respect and sincerity in all dealing, Welcome abroad!

Now, you are to contact the Diplomatic personnel appointed by The UK Embassy in your country India which the hard copies of your offer letter with other document have been send through DHL to the Embassy for the procurement of your Valid Visa and work / residence permit papers as we are having a contract agreement with them for the easiest acquisition of employees necessary valid traveling document which will empower you to live and work in United Kingdom. Note that you must inform him that you got an appointment letter from


UK Embassy Mumbai, India.
Phone: +917710850720.
Email Address:- british.high_commission1967@gmx.com

The diplomat was appointed by the UK Embassy to process our selected candidate's visa in {ASIA ZONE} in order to avoid refusal or denial of VISA / Work Permits by UK Embassy. We urge you to comply and co-operate with him so as to enable you get your Valid UK Employment VISA, Work / Residence Permit.

Note; you are to bear your travel documents processing expenses upfront to prove your seriousness and commitment to work with our reputable organization. After your travel documents are ready, we shall proceed with the securing of your accommodation, feedings, hospitality and air ticket here in UK at the company's Ester and transfer to the consular in charge of your VISA.

Also, remember that any Expenses you make on the process of registering your documents shall be refunded back to you on joining as you submit your expenses report.

Contact the diplomat immediately to start your VISA processing because you have to resume in office on 3TH- APRIL- 2017. Update us with the process between you and the Diplomat in charge of your Visa, in case of advice where necessary.
We hope to see you soon
Thanks and Regards,
Human Resources Manager,
FORTH construction Company,
Flat B 43 Hopton Road London SW16 2EL.
TEL; +448-445-890-554./ +44 844 - 589-0554
Please don't confront scammers or tell them their details are on anti-scam sites. It will take them minutes to set up a new identity and existing warnings will be worthless.
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