
Numbers that have appeared in scam emails and are used by the scammers. Only posts about verified numbers are moved to this forum.
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Post by NumberLover »

Tel. Nos.: +13437890044 & +917065117938
Email: vfs-canadianembassy_newdelhindia@consultant.com
Scam Type: Employment Scam
https://lordnelsonhotel.ca/ <-- MOD NOTE: This is a legitimate website and not part of the scam. The scammer is quoting it to appear legitimate.


We pleased to inform you that your application has been considered and granted, your eligibility to work in organization of LORD NELSON HOTEL AND SUITES has been confirmed by the management board.
Attached is a soft copy of your Appointment letter for your perusal and digest, on your satisfaction and agreement with our terms and conditions,you are to sign and submit via e-mail and also forward a signed copy to the senior consular at the Canada Embassy in India with the contact information below to assist you in obtaining an urgent visa to the Canada.

ADDRESS:Canadian High Commission in New Delhi, India
7/8 Shantipath
New Delhi 110 021

EMAIL: vfs-canadianembassy_newdelhindia@consultant.com
OFFICE HOURS:08.30-16.45
Senior CONSULATE: Mrs S. Wilshaw (Senior Consulate )

All official documents have been sent to the office of Mrs S. Wilshaw​,make sure you follow her Instructions as she will be using her influence in processing your VISA due to the urgency and strict policies of the Canada immigration Service.

You can bring your family along but not more than four (4) members will be allowed.

Please note that your appointment was given on special and urgent consideration, you must be in the Canada before the specified joining date as stated on your Appointment letter.

You are to bear the cost of your visa and travelling documents to prove your seriousness and commitment to work with our reputable company and we shall refunded all expenses incurred as you submit your expenses report.

After your travel documents are ready, we shall secure your accommodation and air ticket for you and Four members of your family.

You are therefore required to follow these procedures IMMEDIATELY so as to begin duty as soon as possible.

Do get back to us with developments and updates regarding the procurement of your visa.

Please don't confront scammers or tell them their details are on anti-scam sites. It will take them minutes to set up a new identity and existing warnings will be worthless.
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