+211 - South Sudan

Information about the numbers of countries Zone 2.
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+211 - South Sudan

Post by ScamNumbers »

+211 is the country code for South Sudan. South Sudan phone numbers are 12 digits in length, including the Country Code

The number format is +221 yy xxx xxxx, where yy identifies the type of number and the operator.

Geographic Numbers

South Sudan does not have area codes to specify individual cities or towns. Instead, the first 2 digits after the country code identify the type of number (fixed or mobile) and the operator. For fixed services, the first of the 2 digits is always 1. The allocated fixed line operators have 2 digit IDs as follows
  • 12 - Sudani (fixed CDMA wireless)
  • 18 - Sudani (fixed landlines)
  • 16 - Vivacel (NOW)
  • 17 - Gemtel (Green Network)
  • 19 - Government Reserve
Mobile Phone Numbers

For mobile services, the first of the 2 digits is always 9. The allocated fixed line operators have 2 digit IDs as follows
  • 91 - ZAIN (South Sudan)
  • 92 - MTN (South Sudan)
  • 95 - Vivacel (NOW)
  • 97 - Gemtel (Green Network)
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